Sunday, December 15, 2013

Writer's Critique

They say that art imitates life, and I say a writer narrates it. Edmund White illustrates a wonderful narration of a writer and his love for music. He compares and contrasts the two artforms beautifully as he places the both on a pedastal. "Music communicates in a marvelously vivid and exact way the dynamics and the abstract qualities of emotion, but any specific emotional content must be supplied from without, (White, 2001). I agree with this in the fact that music is the soundtrack to feelings and emotions with crescendos and changes in tempo. What better way to show expression than through music. "Like fiction, music is always promising an imminent conclusion and then introducing complications," (White, 2001). I do not challenge this notion as they show strong similarities in this area as one is pen to paper and another is notes to a time signature. The author chooses to create whatever dynamic he or she chooses. They also have their differences. "Music, on the other hand, imitates no external reality and is closer to mathematics than is any other art," (White, 2001). I disagree with part of this statement due to the imagery it creates. My ideas about a writer's role in a social media environment has changed. I realized that a blog is not just a biased submission post, but a elevated evolution of ideas timestamped virtually. Ultimately, I see this article as a convergence of my ideas about life. Growing up as a singer, I had to break out of my musical world into a profession. With a masters in Education Literacy, I choose a structured field with a definate salary instead of a career that builds on only that which is sought out. I try to instill different values in my children as I only wish the seek out what they are passionate about. Reference White, E. (2001, June 18,.) Selecting Music for Writing. New York Times: New York. NY. Retrieved on December 12, 2012 from

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What Is A Blog Supposed to Look Like?

Choose a blog and analyze the functions and substance of the blog as a form of writing and information delivery. In your opinion, what are the “best practices” when creating a blog to ensure appropriate form, function, and substance?

           I would like to analyze my blog . I have never really wanted one even though I have always had something to say. It a public document transmitted across the web making it accessible in nature to anyone at any given time. As a private person, going to an online school in order to better myself in career for my family, I have been coerced into becoming social and communicating with others outside this microcosm of mine.

      There was a need to enroll in this class, this program and to create this blog. My original purpose was to follow the guidelines of this class and be able to pass this class. I have new purpose, now, as my role is to be able to master the course competencies and to apply social media to my personal and professional life. This blog has allowed me to start to develop my brand and try to identify a niche. The purpose of this blog for readers is to focus on New Media and analyze the social influence on themself and others. My intentions as well as form have been straightforward. I have tried to write as a college professor with a catchphrase closing of "that is all for now. Remember to study and see you next week!" This soon became left off, and I started to write posts for other things than just my class. I was able to feel comfortable enough with my writing and my personal self to do additional writings!

         The "best practices" when creating a blog is to ensure appropriate form, function and substance. A blog is created out of a need. This need comes from an entity either singular in nature, or a group. The form should fit the reader as the writer and reader neet to connect. Page layouts, catch phrases, jargon, etc. should fit the style as well. In addition, a blog should have all of the qualities of any other media outlet such as meeting the needs of the community (or readers), exposing secrets, first-hand accounts etc.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Time4Learning Review

            Time4Learning is an opportunity to invest in your child's future. As a certified K-12th grade educator, college instructor and homeschooling parent I recognize the need for supplementary or solitary educational materials in the home. Time4Learning is my number 1 choice. Don't waste any more time or money with anything else.

           This online curriculum meets the needs of any learner. It is not only fun and entertaining, but standards based as it prepares your child for statewide exams. My son is in Kindergarten and was able to take not only Kindergarten Math and Language arts, but finished the 1st grade Science in 3 months. You see, a student can access materials below and 1 grade level above their grade at any given time. Once the activities are completed, a child can master the materials after taking the online assessment. 

              I am excited about the online program and am looking forward to seeing more additions. Recently my state has mandated the introduction of common-core standards which are nationwide achievement goals in learning. Every child will have the building blocks in each grade to move to the next. Starting in grade 3 common core standards will be required. I hope Time4learning will have higher order questioning with some of their extensions in learning. The program meets the needs of our current statewide FCAT assessment, but I am looking forward to seeing what they will bring us next year in preparation for the PARRC.

For more information on the online learning program or to try it out youself go to .
Information on Common Core and PARRC can be found at .

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Social Media Tools revised

 Social Media Tools

       Choose two Social Media Tools that you have not used before and try them out. Compare these two tools and share your thoughts about which one will reach audiences most effectively. Explain your rationale.
I recently started using Tumbler and SoundCloud (for music) this week. I had never thought of using these sites before but recently got bored with Twitter. What I did want to talk away from Twitter was the connections that I had with individuals that I met this past month. I perused the followers of mine - 22 to be exact. I remembered how each profile has a second page which lists their screename, headline and website. I found 6 individuals that I could not part ways with and realized that 3 of them had SoundCloud websites and 3 had Tumbler. So I instantly signed up to see more.  Boredom with one social network opened up the  doors to two other. I can honestly say that Twitter is a gateway social network.

         Tumbler was simple to sign up. I did not really need to even create a profile. Once I confirmed my email, I went back to the Twitter website to add these three friends. This was a pretty simple process as well. Once followed on Tumbler, I had the opportunity to view their page. Its kind of like a picture blog that has everything that exists on the person. Things they posted as well as things others have posted on them. Tumbler also allowed me to view the posts that others had commented on on Twitter. It is an expansion site, but it also fulfills a follower's purpose as well as the purpose of the one being followed. It has all of the things missing in a two line tweet.
I then signed up on SoundCloud. I never really reallized that some of the people I was following on Twitter were actually music artists. I signed in on this site without having to create a profile as well. If I was an artist, myself, I would then create a set with some uploaded music. I was surprised how SoundCloud allows a listener to hear an artist's song as many times as they want as long as it is played on this site. I wonder what the musical requirements and limitations are on this site for an artist?

       Using these sites I realized the necessity of both and why there was a demand for both. Tumbler was made for the writer, picture taker and promoter, while SoundCloud was made for the musician or music artist. Although my love for music truly outweighs my love for writing or photographs, I like Tumbler because it it more versatile. It is an outlet for many purposes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Ambitions As A Tweeter

        I have acquired a lot of knowledge over time. This usually takes place by googling. I appreciate web searches because ultimately books hold too much about one subject and not enough about many. I still love a good read. As far as social networks, they have taught me what is going on socially, amongst friends, celebrities and artists.
           I have been very much disnterested in any social network other than Facebook although I haven't used my account in years. This week I had the opportunity to open a Twitter account.  Twitter was the last account I thought I would get after Instagram due to the fact that I feel it is an account that only celebrities and businesses should have. These are people in the public eye that have followers and are followed. These were my views until I signed up four days ago.
               Once I set up my account with just my username and profile pick, I was able to follow people. One of the first people that I followed was my sister in law who tweets all of the time. I noticed that she has sent 1800 tweets as a businessperson but is also following 1400 people. This was disproportionate in my opinion and I knew for a fact that the last 10 tweets did not bring any business.
        I then followed some of my favorite celebrities and organizations. I even discovered some I haven't seen in years. I would have to equate Twitter to being Facebook's lazy sister. She has a very low IQ and an appetite for laziness. She cannot say more than a few words, links and speaks in codes. She lacks authenticity and originality as you cannot speak directly to an individual for any given reason, you must comment on something they said. I also miss just liking a statement. Why must I follow by retweeting or quoting.
           Twitter also breaches privacy. People who were "unfriended" on Facebook can now attribute a stalker quality by following or just watching a person's dealings on Twitter. As far as credibility of information, it couldn't be any more credible because you are getting it from the"horses mouth". I learned today that 500,000 gallons of sewage leaked into the water supply in Seminole county. I believe it to be true due to the fact that it was tweeted by the Orlando Sentinel, a reputed newspaper in my area. The account is also a verified Twitter account. Class is now dismissed for today, please study and I will see you next week.
The latest from Orlando Sentinel (@orlandosentinel)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

New Media

What forms of new media do I use daily? How has new social medial influenced my perspective of events? Are these positive or negative influences?

As a schoolteacher and college professor, I try to limit the media used on a daily basis. I try to stick to forms of media that will enhance me personally and professionally. Before becoming established in my career and family, I flocked to those social networks that entertained me. Myspace was my favorite as I enjoy new, music and up and coming artist. I cringed at the thought of FaceBook allowing my friends to locate me and "catch up" on lost time. i though old friends should be left where they were.... behind. Once FaceBook changed to allowing others to assume identities or be the individual they always wanted to be allowed me to see others for who they truly were and not just some high school or college alumni. I signed up with the intent to meet new friends and found my husband through and acquaintance.

I was glad the it was not a Catfish situation and he was who he said he was. When Twitter went up a red flag was raised and still is. I never wanted to hear the silly stuff people spoke of on Facebook, so why would I allow it be be instant messaged to my phone. Instagram took the cake in silly social network applications. You see only a celebrity could get me to want to see their pictures every few hours, and to this day, there is noone I want to see (or hear from) on a regular basis. 

I believe I do not used certain sites becuase ultimately I would like to evolve and professionally brand myself into the individual to be listened to and watched on these social networks. My brand is not ready as it is not fully evolved. I was hesitant about having to create this public blog as I am so much more faceted than a college student (or professor). I am trying to look at the positive of this situation and make the best of this blog. I hope to look forward to many more. Class is now dismissed for today. Please study, and I will see you next week. 
