Sunday, September 29, 2013

New Media

What forms of new media do I use daily? How has new social medial influenced my perspective of events? Are these positive or negative influences?

As a schoolteacher and college professor, I try to limit the media used on a daily basis. I try to stick to forms of media that will enhance me personally and professionally. Before becoming established in my career and family, I flocked to those social networks that entertained me. Myspace was my favorite as I enjoy new, music and up and coming artist. I cringed at the thought of FaceBook allowing my friends to locate me and "catch up" on lost time. i though old friends should be left where they were.... behind. Once FaceBook changed to allowing others to assume identities or be the individual they always wanted to be allowed me to see others for who they truly were and not just some high school or college alumni. I signed up with the intent to meet new friends and found my husband through and acquaintance.

I was glad the it was not a Catfish situation and he was who he said he was. When Twitter went up a red flag was raised and still is. I never wanted to hear the silly stuff people spoke of on Facebook, so why would I allow it be be instant messaged to my phone. Instagram took the cake in silly social network applications. You see only a celebrity could get me to want to see their pictures every few hours, and to this day, there is noone I want to see (or hear from) on a regular basis. 

I believe I do not used certain sites becuase ultimately I would like to evolve and professionally brand myself into the individual to be listened to and watched on these social networks. My brand is not ready as it is not fully evolved. I was hesitant about having to create this public blog as I am so much more faceted than a college student (or professor). I am trying to look at the positive of this situation and make the best of this blog. I hope to look forward to many more. Class is now dismissed for today. Please study, and I will see you next week. 
